Thursday, February 25, 2016

Meaning of Om Namaha Shivaya

ॐ नम: शिवाय

We worship Lord Shiva with the maha mantra “Om Namaha Shivaya”.  The Mahamantra   “Om Namaha Shivaya” also known as shadakshari mantra (सदाक्षरी मन्त्र). Each letter in this mantra has spiritual meaning. This mantra is also known as maha mantra. 

Om  (ॐ)

“Om” alone is the sound of life. It is the endless vibration that flows through the universe   and provides life in every living being. Chanting “Om” revitalizes the mind and body and settles the mind. Om is the beginning and it is the end. In Sanskrit, the meaning of Om is avati, or rakuati. Rakuati means  one who protects or sustains. Om is the most powerful mantra.
(Om as made up of three parts.  These are “a”, “o”, and “m’.  Our sound starts with “a”, when we speak go to “O” and end with M, so Om is the totality. It is a mantra which provides complete rest to our body and energy to our mind. )
Meaning of each letters of the mantra  

n (न) : Main god of all the regions (loks)

m (म) : One who gifts supreme and spiritual knowledge (dnyan) and destroys greatest sins

Shi (शि) : generous, calm and responsible for the beginning by Lord Shiva

va (वा) : Symbol of vehicle (Nandi) the bull and the Vasuki and Vamangi Energies (Shakti)

y (य) : Positive residence of highest heaven and Lord Shiva.

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