Saturday, March 7, 2015

who was bhimdatta panta

“Mother cries for her lost children, there’s nobody to understand here, murders and violence haven’t stopped yet, come on Buddha for Buddism is lost here, salute to those martyrs who made this country with their blood and sweat, down with those traitors that destroyed this country”
Bhimdatta has an enormous amount of love towards the country. He was driven by a great sense of justice to the people, whereas his approaches were revolutionary as well as activism for transformation. “Bhimdatta” was screened in center cinemas theater Sunnyside amidst prominent members of Nepalese community in the USA. A Nepali movie based on the life of the martyr Bhimdutta Pant was shot in far-western Nepal. The martyr Bhimdutta is known for his fight against the caste system and Rana autocracy. More than 60 percent of the movie was shot in the Western Nepal. In the history of Nepali movies, this is the first movie based on the life of a martyr. The movie titled ‘Bhimdutt’ was produced and directed by Himgyap Tasi Lama, who was trained in filming in Hollywood itself.
He was born in a village of Dadeldhura district seven decades ago and truly fought peacefully and with weapons against the existing exploitation, oppression and injustice. He put himself at the forefront of the struggle by sacrificing his own life for the cause of national sovereignty, national security and justice for the people. Although he comes from a Brahman family, he took a lead in eliminating caste based discrimination, including his own family. He grew up in a reasonably well off family. However, He could not tolerate the degree injustice, inequality, discrimination and exploitation in the society and thus dedicated himself ending such practices.
Peoples were suffering from feudal exploitation, corruption and caste based discrimination. In the mean time, there were growing, organized protests against the Rana regime in Nepal and British regime in India. There were string voices against the 1950 treaty between Nepal and India. In this context, Bhimdatta decided to fight the feudal authoritarian regime of Ranas. He opted on armed struggle as mean to this mission by forming his own group of fighters taking up arms. So, he took leadership of the people’s movement for eliminating feudal landlordism and its implication over innocent people. He gave a clear message to landlords, saying “you plough your land or you leave it, otherwise you may have to pay cost”.
He denied lucrative offers from the government and giving up his mission. He had firm determination for changing social and political system for the benefit of ordinary people. As a result, Bhimdatta did not receive the anticipated cooperation and support from the political parties and leaders. Nevertheless, he continued his mission with a strong sense of conviction and confident the help of local people and his force. His vision of society and need for change witnesses prosperous future of the ordinary people and thus he received mass support on the movement.
Nepalis and Indian government made several attempts to sabotage Bhimdatta’s struggle, but his agenda didn’t get defeated and his mission never stopped. Finally, they took the coward step of killing him through conspiracy. His own soul brother was used to kill him. He was killed on August 1953. This was the tragic and unfortunate moment where a freedom and Justice fighter had to end his life. Bhimdatta is an inspiration history of justice and change in the society. It was not easy to oppose justice socioeconomic and political practices and lead the movement in favor of voiceless and poor farmers during 1950s. He became ready to give up his position, status, facilities and also sacrifice his own life for the sake of people and the society.
This kind of determination, vision and awakening is still relevant and much anticipated in Nepali society even today. However, his contribution has not adequately been documented and recognized by the State. He has been living in the hearts and minds of many people as a symbol of justice and people’s true leader. The Bhimdutta whose controversial dialogues were made to be removed by Nepal Censor Board has been premiered in New York. Although censored in Nepal, New Yorkers had an opportunity to take a look at the original version of the movie. Censor board had allowed the movie to be released with the PG rating after removal of dialogues that denounced India.
A few days ago somebody called me to meet in Bhims café. When Journalist Prashan Alung Rai saw me, he said hello, he was sitting with film maker Him Gyap lama Tashi. He introduced me to his friends after that director lama invited me to a movie premiere. I was really excited to learn about martyrs Bhim Datta Pant. Finally, I did it. From a historical point of view, it was an awesome movie. I met many media personalities like Mr Bijaya Poudel, Kishor Panthi, Prashan Alung Rai, Pradeep Thapa, IT specialist of IMB company Mr. Shambhu Kadariya. Etc.
Several professionals, business people, social activists, artists and journalists gathered at a cinema center in Sunnyside, NY in order to watch the movie. After the crowd overflowed the hall, few audiences had to sit down on the floor to watch the movie. The movie also features songs based on the quotations of Bhimdutta and presents the attractions of Western Nepal. The movie made under Golden Films Pvt. Ltd. banner features Nawal Khadka, Shree ram Pudasaini, Nisha Adhikari, and Sumina Ghimire in lead roles. @


  1. thanks infomation buttt bhim datta panta,ko ghati katnay sorgiya shree vamwa diyal ko natii@mero naam nishan diyal

  2. Bhimdatta Panta was killed by Nepal Police personnel Lila Bahadur Basnet. The story is manipulated for propaganda
